Environmental Education

Environmental Education

Environmental education is a process responsible for training individuals who are concerned about environmental problems and seek solutions for the conservation and preservation of natural resources and their sustainability.

When we think about environmental education, the image that comes to mind is initiatives in primary schools. However, this knowledge cannot remain only in this initial stage of people’s intellectual development, it must evolve and continue.

For that, incorporating environmental awareness in companies and corporations is also a way to the world sustainable development.



How Do We Work ?

We develop specific actions and programs for the different needs for each reality, always meeting the unique needs of our customers.


Conducting environmental awareness lectures leads to the development of the perception that everyone has responsibility for the environment, stimulating the transformation of public thinking in relation to environmental issues and promoting sustainable attitudes.


Motivational Increase
Environmental Perception
Collective Change

Didactic Workshops

We hold workshops with dynamic and constructive activities, in order to encourage participants to reflect on a given theme. Some of the topics we address are:
Ecofriendly dye
Eco gardens and Composting
Healthy and Sustainable diets

Environmental Education Programs

We implement continuous environmental education programs applying the best practices and approaches more balanced with our environment, which aim to communicate environmental issues related to the environment in which it is inserted, in order to encourage behavioral change and minimize the ecological footprint of the enterprises.
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